Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 -1/2 Hours Left for Nominations

As-salaamu-alaykum- Peace to you All

I'm just letting you know that there are only 2 and 1/2 hours left for you to nominate your favourite blogs for The Tribute Award.

Since I am in South Africa, I'm going according to South African Time- (I apologise to those of you who are in time zones that are behind South African Time which is GMT+2:00h.

Voting will begin shortly after nominations close!

Just to remind you, there will be 3 days of voting- On Sunday 20 March 2011, The Winners Will be announced. Inshaa Allah.

Jazakallah Khayr- Thank you very much- to all of you who have sent in your nominations. All the blogs in our nomination list are wonderful!

Stay tuned!...


  1. wow what a great idea darling and I even got nominated - how coool!!!!

  2. Thanks Blue Pearl- I think it's fun, congrats on the nomination- All the best:)
